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Sunday, 29 November 2015

Time and Relative Dimension

It's been a while since my last review was posted. Technically, I've only just posted my last review but I wanted to get that out of the way before I made this post, for fear of losing interest in writing again... As I write this, the penultimate episode of Series 9 has aired and without posting any spoilers it makes everything OK again, which is good because the next episode I am to review was pretty painful viewing. It's that pain that put me off writing before I even finished Before The Flood and it really put a downer on the series. The next episode after that felt slow and dull and I even dozed off for a minute or two! But don't worry, the Zygons would be returning after that and there was strength in those episodes, only they were a bit heavy on the drama and adult (grown up) feeling. That fits in with the show's later start times this year, but it isn't good for the show or its viewing figures. The Zygons were followed by a creepy single episode from Mark Gatiss that had audiences divided, an episode like none seen before which I really enjoyed. Then a second single episode story lead into the two part finale (which itself is really two single episodes tied together!)

So in review terms, I'm about to drop to the bottom of the Doctor Who scale, but I can do it with sight of the light at the end signalling the way forward to increasing greatness that ties everything together and gives the lesser moments a purpose. The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived are two stand alone adventures that tie together and at first seemed to be nothing more, but they are in fact the beginning of something far more reaching than the tie between themselves...

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