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Sunday 27 September 2015

Time - It's all relative

Well what can I say? Since my last post, a rift has opened up somewhere near my desk and on one side it is sucking time away from me whilst on the other side it is spewing out more time than I can measure. On the one hand I simply haven't had time to watch Doctor Who and review the classics as I have been. On the other hand I am busy at work and catching up with all sorts of TV recordings that I'd been used to watching during the day and the time is just flying past me.

It's hard to believe that my last review was nine months ago and, frustratingly, I still have notes from "The Evil Of The Daleks" waiting to be typed up. I'll almost certainly have to re-watch it before I can start typing, which wouldn't be a bad thing were it not a recon.

So yes, nine months ago, I received a phone call from my old manager offering me what was effectively my old job (but with a new company since the old one folded, making us both redundant, along with twenty or so others). Like Clara Oswald when the Doctor came calling, I made no hesitation in running along and accepting the job and thus throwing away my life of free-time and here we are at the start of the new series and I'm already an episode behind!

The series looks set to be mostly two part adventures and the opener was no exception. It was received with overwhelmingly positive reviews and has been given an unexpected feature-length repeat with episode two this afternoon (possibly due to episode two clashing with England Vs Wales in the Rugby World Cup, but I like to think it's to give late comers a chance to hop on the beginning of the series rather than skipping the second episode as well)

And with that, I should make a start on my review. I was tempted to lump one and two together in one over-all post but It wouldn't do them justice and certainly wouldn't fit with my previous two-parter reviews.

Another reason to be back on the Doctor Who focus is that today is my birthday and what better way to spend it than with the Doctor! Age, like time itself, is relative. So don't ask!

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